Empty Grave and Full Life

When life comes to a crossroad and you decide to make a change

Then you undertake a crash course to eliminate sins chains

Don't strive for self improvement-or devise elaborate laws

You'll find yourself in bondage to a religious cause

You depend so much upon yourself when things go well enough

Does the bottom have to drop out before you lift your eyes above?

To cope with defeat and trouble, old habits and old sin-

You can never overcome those things -the toughest cannot win!

Empty grave and full life- our hope of glory is living now within

Empty grave and full life

Empty my soul of self and fill me up with Christ again!

God brings out of our life the life of Jesus Christ, His Son

Empty grave and full life He is the only One!

God isn't trying to patch you up or persuade you to improve

God takes dead men and makes them live- He makes the lifeless spirit move

There is no use in self help as long as you see life that way

You're just sewing patches on old rags What's the game you're trying to play?

You don't live the christian life-

Christ must live it through you

It's to no avail- you will always fail-

You don't need His assistance-

You need His persistence.

Empty grave and full life- our hope of glory is living now within

Empty grave and full life

Empty my soul of self and fill me up with Christ again!

God brings out of our life the life of Jesus Christ, His Son

Empty grave and full life He is the only One!

November 1985

Anthony Foster

November 1985 was a watershed time in my life- the trckle of songs I had penned over the years gave way to a floodgate of fresh insight fired by the spirit- I had recently gibven over to God my Art which i had long thought was my reason to be. Self expression gave way to Christ expression- everything beyond all i could ask or think...I determined at this time to enter seminary to help me be the best Bible teacher and educator i could become.

Copyright 1985 Anthony Foster