

Since we are justified

Since He was crucified

We have peace with God through Jesus Christ

Since we are justified

Since He was crucified

We have peace with God through Jesus Christ


Believer- what do you believe?

Believer- what did you receive?

For faith to make a difference its object must be right

Men of faith can go to Hell-Sincerity is not the light!


Believer- what do you believe?

Believer- what did you receive?

A candle's glow in darkest night's no substitute for grace

In "someone in the great somewhere" 's nowhere to place your faith!


You haven't got a prayer, You haven't got a prayer

If you don't trust Jesus You haven't got a prayer


Trust in , adhere to, rely on Jesus

Trust in , adhere to, rely on Jesus





Anthony Foster


Copyright 1986 Anthony Foster