Can You Take It In The Heart?


We can set our affections- don't let things go mtheir natural way...

You can set your heart on Jesus or on foolish games you play

We can set our affections- "Thy Will be done" we say

When it comes will we be sleeping? Obeying like the world obeys?


Can you take it in the heart?

Where reside your hopes and dreams

God's eternal light reveals

Almost nothing is as it seems


Consider all that you desire

Take a hard look at what you see

For what you think is a blessing

may be a curse in reality

We can set out hearts on Jesus

Or set our hearts on something less

We can clear the way for Him to dwell

In perfect righteousness


Can you take it in the heart?

Can you discern reality?

Can you dare to choose to kill the things

Not under His authority?



Can You take it in the heart?

Take it in the heart?

Take it in the heart?


Colossians 3

June 25,1986

Anthony Foster

Copyright 1986 Anthony Foster