Short Order God


Is your

 God a short order God- there for your comfort and ease?

Is your god an short order god- trying your  appetite to appease?

Then you'd better get down on you knees

Repent and he'll forgive your blasphemies...


I'll have an order of prosperity

While you're at it, whip up some pleasure for me

My comfort is so important you see

Don't rest until- you fill the bill...

Is your

 God a short order God- there for your comfort and ease?

Is your god an short order god- trying your  appetite to appease?


I'll have some happiness to go

I'd really like that now you know

God in your old age you're getting slow

I'm so deserving of another serving

Is your

 God a short order God- there for your comfort and ease?

Is your god an short order god- trying your  appetite to appease?


I dont see what i want on your buffet

Guess I'll have the special of the day

You know I'll have it my own way

Maybe tomorrow night

You'll get my order right!

Is your

 God a short order God- there for your comfort and ease?

Is your god an short order god- trying your  appetite to appease?

Then you'd better get down on you knees

Repent and he'll forgive your blasphemies...




Anthony FOster

Copyright 1986 Anthony Foster