BE HOLY- FOR GOD IS HOLY-For His glory and His Name

be holy for He is holy where the Spirit dwells will never be the same!

The heart of the human problem is the problem of the human heart

Yet we are called to holiness-called out and set apart!

For the power that indwells us gives us a faith that saves

The heart that is a home to Christ is the heart that obeys!


BE HOLY- FOR GOD IS HOLY-For His glory and His Name

be holy for He is holy where the Spirit dwells will never be the same!

Strip yourself of old behavior, naked now before the Lord

Put on the new man and new self and progress toward

true knowledge and renewal in the image of our Christ

For only your creator can give what will suffice!


BE HOLY- FOR GOD IS HOLY-For His glory and His Name

Be holy for He is holy where the Spirit dwells will never be the same!

BE HOLY- FOR GOD IS HOLY-For His glory and His Name

Be holy for He is holy where the Spirit dwells will never be the same!


April 24, 1987

Anthony Foster


Copyright 1987 Anthony Foster