Limited Love


Some people are friendly until it comes to their piety

Until someone doesn't fit- then that's the end of it!

That's the end of your withness

that's just self righteousness

Because you don't really love-

You don't care enough!


How can you live with a limited love

You just don't know where it ends

There will always be a breaking point

When on limitws love depends


To meet men where they are

To be aware to care

Where the truth that binds us in our place

We are the same but for grace

We become a stumblingblock

When we fail to just take stock

Because you don't really love-

You don't care enough!


How can you live with a limited love

You just don't know where it ends

There will always be a breaking point

When on limitws love depends



Anthony Foster

Copyright 1987 Anthony Foster