Well you may think You've got the key that opens every lock

And you may look down on thefolks who stand at the door and knock

And you may think that they are fools And that salvation's just a crock

And you may think I'm off my rocker but I'm standin' on the rock!


You may think you've got the time no need to watch the clock

And you masy have your life planned ot but you're in for a shock

And you may thing I'm a fanatic and my ship's not in it's dock

And you may think I'm off my rocker but I'm standin' on the rock!

Not lookin' out for number one is the craziest thing I've ever done

Cause in dying to self and to gain-People think there's a hole in your brain-quite insane!


The world's craziest fool is the wise man who'll

Just entrust his life to the Lord

the world will see when he's been set free

From the spirit that rules this world


So if you choose to look at life to take time to take stock

you'll see there's no price you can pay even if yer up to your neck in hock

The only way to heaven is as part of Jesus' flock

You need to get off your rocker and start standin' on the rock!

You need to get off your rocker and start standin' on the rock!



Anthony Foster


Copyright 1987 Anthony Foster