Shrinking from God's presence, trying foolishly to hide

Adam ran Behind a tree to conceal his newlearned pride

Standing naked before the Lord he felt the first felt shame

For under God's omniscient eye there was no one to blame.


Under God's Gaze we are laid bare

For in love he seeks out everything that's there

His righteousness strips all that it surveys

For every man stands naked in god's gaze!

Under God's gaze there is no rejection

Of the objects of His great affection

You will lift your own eyes up in praise

If you understand the nature of God's gaze!


And now today in naked shame man runs and then he hides

God still seeks out rebel hearts and in His love provides

A covering man can't remove if he only puts it on

For his wounds flowed to heal our wounds if we will just respond!


Under God's Gaze we are laid bare

For in love he seeks out everything that's there

His righteousness strips all that it surveys

For every man stands naked in god's gaze!

Under God's gaze there is no rejection

Of the objects of His great affection

You will lift your own eyes up in praise

If you understand the nature of God's gaze!



Anthony Foster



Copyright 1987 Anthony Foster