Pleasure in the Price


If I experience some pain- if I have felt rejection

I can put my arms around- someone who lacks affection

I can encourage others- i can comfort and console

Then I can trust God better, equipped to touch a soul.


Suffering is such a cost, yet I waste my trials and tears

They are for nothing lest I learn the lesson of the years


What's the nature of a living sacrifice?

Once I know then I find pleasure in the price

May I never say "No" to you Lord- let me never say "No " to you!

Living by the flesh of God-All I am and all I do

Let my response be gratefulness as your fire makes me new.

Lord, let me never say "No " to you!


Suffering is such a cost, yet I waste my trials and tears

They are for nothing lest I learn the lesson of the years


What's the nature of a living sacrifice?

Once I know then I find pleasure in the price

May I never say "No" to you Lord- let me never say "No " to you!

Living by the flesh of God-All I am and all I do

Let my response be gratefulness as your fire makes me new.

Lord, let me never say "No " to you!



Anthony Foster

Copyright 1989 Anthony Foster