I have a hope and a promise more sure than the rising sun

For the Son of god has risen and new life has begun

He is God's promise from the very beginning

We have the joy of the kingdom as we await our King!


The promise holds true in sorrow or praise

He changes our days and changes our ways

It holds out his promise so graciously

For the indwelling Christ is our hope of glory!


Invincible Hope! Solid as the rock

A future secure and free, established for our Great Shepherds flock.

Sealed for eternity, no matter the heights my soul may scale

They shall never replace the Hope that shall never fail!

No Matter the depths- this hope will remain

For toilive is Christ and to die is gain!


I have a hope and a promise more sure than the rising sun

For the Son of god has risen and new life has begun

He is God's promise from the very beginning

We have the joy of the kingdom as we await our King!


I am safe and I am also so sure

In the hope of His promise I am secure

My immortal omnipotent, infinite Lord

Keeps His children in Love As He keeps His sure word!


Invincible Hope! Solid as the rock

A future secure and free, established for our Great Shepherds flock.

Sealed for eternity, no matter the heights my soul may scale

They shall never replace the Hope that shall never fail!

No Matter the depths- this hope will remain

For to live is Christ and to die is gain!


November 26,1990

Anthony Foster

Copyright 1990 Anthony Foster