Father, Father, where are you tonite?

Mother, Mother -I'm shrinking in my fright

I've no home and no provision

No way and no decisions

No one to belong to -No choices and no rights

Father, Father- I am so alone

Mother, Mother, cut off without a home

I am so disconnected

Thrown out and rejected

Can't bear to face the unknown all alone!


But now I hear there's a story of a sign of grace

And a glimpse of pure glory that can take place

If I'll just receive a gift that's offered even to me!

This orphan can have a Father and a family!


You say if I believe- I have the right

To share in a family-a share in God's might!

To be reborn not of blood, flesh or bone

Or of some man's will but of God alone!?

that there was a father who gave up His son for me?

This great thing He's done- to redeem a wretch like me?

That I might become a son

An heir to life when I have none


I can cry out- I can sing out -I can exult and shout

Because there is no doubt

Abba Father, Abba Father

No longer an orphan or a stranger to him

Born again from above- now life begins

Abba Father, Abba Father

Adopted as a child into his family

I'm adopted for all eternity!


June 1990

Anthony Foster

Copyright 1990 Anthony Foster