Living Forgiven


The place i want to be and be known

Is standing before god's Holy Throne

No longer by the Law to be driven

Simply- completely -once for all forgiven.


Not just in that final Day

But moment by moment along the way

God's loving forgiveness is mine

Not to be sought after time after time...


Living Forgiven is a part of God's heaven

That I can have now on this earth

Living Forgiven- not doubting or driven

Living life for all it is worth!


To live each day in the glorious light

Of the fact that I am set free from the plight

Of seeking acceptance, Lord from You

Your Love won't be based on what I can do.


And this love shall constrain me I pray

To live in the freedom of one who obeys!

Free from the bondage of Sin's chains

Alive to the Lord of Love who now reigns!


Living Forgiven is a part of God's heaven

That I can have now on this earth

Living Forgiven- not doubting or driven

Living life for all it is worth!



Living Forgiven is a part of God's heaven

That I can have now on this earth

Living Forgiven- not doubting or driven

Living life for all it is worth!


December 31,1992

Anthony Foster

Copyright 1992 Anthony Foster