The Very Life of Christ


God loved the world so much He gave-

He gave us His only Son

That whosoever would believe in Him

Might have the eternal life of the One

who bore God's very Image

And bore the image of man

And bore the world to bridge that gulf

This was God's eternal plan!


In Him we live and move

Made alive together with Christ

In Him we have our very being

For He is our Very Life


And so the very life of Christ

has come to live within

The life we live we live by faith

In the One who gave Himself for men

Not to imitate his life each day

or in his footsteps to merely follow

But to freshly live His very life

That through us now His love may flow!


In Him we live and move

Made alive together with Christ

In Him we have our very being

For He is our Very Life



December 31,1992

Anthony Foster

Copyright 1992 Anthony Foster