


1. If I say I want God's best am I seeking to be blessed,

2. What I seek is what I find, to my will I want to bind

3. What are all the treasures worth, All the pleasures of this earth



1. Or surrendering myself to Him alone?

2. The will of the Sovereign Lord.

3. They are nothing before God's eternal throne.



1. If it's gifts and gold I seek, then my faith will remain weak

2. and the treasures I pursue are not alive nor true

3. wood, hay and stubble burn, but I am blessed to learn



1. For I put my faith in what I cannot own.

2. But to let them go, I think I can't afford.

3. Of the blessedness Christ came to make known.






To bless the Lord, this is my goal   Let this be my soul's sole aim.



So bless the Lord, oh my soul, Oh bless His Holy Name.

Copyright 1993 Anthony Foster