1. I have settled for -  the sin I thought could give me more

2. In the light of eternity-  I really want to see


1. Than you could provide-  wasn't it enough that you died?

2. All the lies that blind me, all the chains that bind me.


1. I choose to sin instead- but to sin you claim I'm dead.

2. In the fellowship of light- I want to be made right


1. Yet I know I'm yours today- so help me to do the things you say...

2. And from bondage to be freed- from what I thought was truly need.



1. Lord, Holiness can be my fate- it is mine to appropriate

2. Lord, help me see and understand- that this is your chastising hand


1. True blessing in the ability to obey

2. And that Your love for me requires


1. And conformity to your image and your way.

2. That I may be kept from selfish desires


1. Comes to one who is willing upon your will to wait.

2. For my desires may not be part of your plan.



In the pursuits of sin I've been known as a winner


I certainly am an accomplished sinner


Sin is easy when one is tempted in what he can do


Yet I have a promise that by grace You'll make me new.


I want to recognize the selfishness and lies


Are one unholy mess- an affront to your holiness


And beneath my priviledge- So to you my will I pledge


Copyright 1993 Anthony Foster