1. As I open the word, a living voice is heard, for the Holy Spirit is my guide



1. I would read it as if I were opening a gift with excitement for what is inside.




2. Take the preconceived notions, the spiritualized potions and the five point messages I've heard

3. Let the presuppositions and religious positions be cleared away from my mind





2. Subjugate them, please to the full fresh breeze of your word...

3. Lord replace them please with your full fresh breeze where I may find



Not the wisdom of the wind that change hour by hour,


But the freshness of your spirit unchanging in its power...



4. May I never know better than to read it like a letter and suspect all I supposed that I knew


4. Let me seek to find like the very first time so its freshness my mind will renew...



repeat 1 and 2





Copyright 1993 Anthony Foster