Holy Goal


What is the mark and what is the call?

We press onward and upward- we give it our all

We focus attention on the glorious prize

He is our Holy Goal- let Him fill our eyes


Jesus as my all in all-

Jesus- can you hear His call?

Sieze us- save us from the fall

You are the one who frees us- Jesus!


To be mature in Jesus- to have Him as our source

To be one with His Majesty is the purpose of our course

To be filled with His light and so to shine so all can see

Christ's countenance in our own face reflected perfectly!


Jesus as my all in all-

Jesus- can you hear His call?

Sieze us- save us from the fall

You are the one who frees us- Jesus!


Jesus as my all in all-

Jesus- can you hear His call?

Sieze us- save us from the fall

You are the one who frees us- Jesus!


April 29,1993

Anthony Foster

Copyright 1993 Anthony Foster