Pray on!





Pray on through the doubt for God's answer shall come and his blessing on your soul shall rest



The words of the Lord are yet "yea" and "amen"- only believe and you shall be blessed




Pray on and your will shall be conformed, your desires shall be changed to god's own



The shadow of the rock shall cover you, abiding in his strength alone





Tho the clouds may surround you, tho there is darkness around you, His mercy shines down on your day



The mist shall clear and the confusion and fear shall be flooded with light when we pray.



So pray without ceasing, pray on to the end, for your prayer is a part of His plan



He graciously uses the diligent prayer to reform the heart of a man


Pray on , for  your prayers aren't unheeded- Pray to the Father for He takes delight



In bringing us into his will and his way, So tell him your heart tonight...

Copyright 1993 Anthony Foster