I will glory in my weakness if I glory at all

For I am but a vessel in which is placed God's All

I am but a cracked pot of roughly moulded dirt.

But the glory placed inside of me can renew the earth.

Lord, you are the strength, you are the strength, you are the strength of my life.

Lord, you are the strength, you are the strength, you are the strength of my life

All my schemes of success are now turned upside down

In Christ to be a failure is to wear the victor's crown

For all my best is nothing if in Christ it is not done.

I'l turn my hope to heaven and each battle shall be won.

Lord, you are the strength, you are the strength, you are the strength of my life

Lord, you are the strength, you are the strength, you are the strength of my life

For what the earth calls mighty shall tremble in defeat

All the works of mankind their sources shall deplete.

For the vanity of vanities will one day be made plain

Only that which is done in the spirit is not vain.

Lord, you are the strength, you are the strength, you are the strength of my life

Lord, you are the strength, you are the strength, you are the strength of my life

I will glory in my weakness not in my sufficiency,

For all I am and all I can can never set men free.

Only in the true vine we shall shall find our way,

In Him to forevermore abide and nevermore to stray.Lord, you are the strength, you are the strength, you are the strength of my life

Lord, you are the strength, you are the strength, you are the strength of my life

Copyright 1994 Anthony Foster