Acts of Devotion


The woman broke open an ointment case- a pure perfume of untold price

And everyone thought it a waste- but it became a Holy sacrifice.

And no one understood that day that the gift of fragrant oil

Could see its purpose fulfilled this way- if you clutch a blessing it will spoil.

Break open your life and spill it out to Jesus

As an act of devotion that opens us and frees us

It is not that which we keep secure but that which God pours through us

What flows out from us will endure and not what we clutch to us


God’s blessings aren’t for you alone they can never be sanctified

If you use them as your own - and neither will you be satisfied

Never think that you deserve to clutch the gifts God gives

Never try to hold them in reserve- He who spends his life is the one who lives.

Break open your life and spill it out to Jesus

As an act of devotion that opens us and frees us

It is not that which we keep secure but that which God pours through us

What flows out from us will endure and not what we clutch to us


Anthony Foster


Copyright 1995 Anthony Foster