The Firstborn


The angels proclaim the Good News- a baby in a manger lies

The firstborn of a virgin womb, and all who seek this sign are wise.

The angels then became silent- for thirty years they sought the day

When all he came for was fulfilled- for they had nothing left to say.

The firstborn of the virgin womb lies in a stable-cave

God’s Son, the only begotten is born our souls to save.

The angel said "He is not here", who saw the righteous sun arise

The firstborn of a virgin tomb, thus born, he never dies.

The sign of Jonas was now giv’n to those who lacked faith’s eyes to see

The firstborn of many brothers, leading many sons to glory

The firstborn child of Mary’s womb is the firstborn of virgin grave

God’s son the only begotten, is born again our souls to save...


December 12,1996

Anthony Foster

Copyright 1996 Anthony Foster