By Bread Alone


Like the manna in the wilderness,  with the widow by whom Elijah was fed

And as with the 5000 on  the hillside- you provide sufficient, living bread.


Bread without leaven, bread broken by hand

The sign of new covenant, a part of your plan


Take , eat, and be comforted, Take, eat and recall

The Stone that  became bread was broken for all


You keep my life, sustain my life- when I ask, you’ll not give me a stone

And when you give the bread of life, I can live by bread alone.


You’ve commanded living stones to be made bread

Then you break it and share it again

Christ’s body is still given unto the world

To feed and nourish all men.


Sustain my life and  when I ask, you’ll not give me a stone

For when you give the bread of life, I can live by bread alone.



Feb. 24, 1997

Anthony Foster


Copyright 1997 Anthony Foster