In Stillness and Simplicity He Comes


In stillness and simplicity he comes

To calm the storm within the hearts of man

In stillness and simplicity He comes

“Peace be still” is his calm command.


Amidst the cold of mortal lfe there’s a refuge safe and warm.

Amidst the turmoil and the strife he calms the raging storm.

Amidst the burning holocaust of Satan’s fiery hate

The Silent witness of the cross, the key to heaven’s gate.


In stillness and simplicity he comes

To calm the storm within the hearts of man

In stillness and simplicity He comes

“Peace be still” is his calm command.


He reads from ancient promises as if they were his words

Now in our hearing it’s fulfilled and mystery is heard.

For after  sustained silence his voice is loud and clear.

The ear of faith must discern the truth that it can hear.


In stillness and simplicity he comes

To calm the storm within the hearts of man

In stillness and simplicity He comes

“Peace be still” is his calm command.


Now liste for His voice amidst the angelsong

Listen for His voice amidst the crying sheep

Listen for the voice now speaking mystery

Who comes in stoillness and simplicity.


In stillness and simplicity he comes

To calm the storm within the hearts of man

In stillness and simplicity He comes

“Peace be still” is his calm command.




Copyright 1997 Anthony Foster