Wonder Bread, Wonder Wine


Wonder of wonders, mystery sweet

Come to the table, take now and eat

The Wonder bread and the wonder wine

Come and partake of this glorious sign.


Wonder Bread, Wonder wine- The wonder is that we’re invited to dine

Brought into the banquet to feast  Come take your portion of grace and peace.


The bread is the symbol of sure sustinance

It is the pure bread of our deliverance

this bread of affliction unleavened by time


Wonder Bread, Wonder wine- The wonder is that we’re invited to dine

Brought into the banquet to feast  Come take your portion of grace and peace.


A cup of wine reminds and remains

A cup like the one our deliverer drained.

The blood of new cov’nant poured out for our sin

By the One who’s enthroned between the cherubim.


Wonder bread, Wonder Wine- From grain that God planted and the living vine

Bread broken by Our priest., wine pressed by the King-Poured out by a Prophet at His offering.





Copyright 1997 Anthony Foster