Confluence and Conflagration


Two independent rivers rage as soon as they collide

And it seems that neither one can do a thing to turn aside

But we both will bend- we can’t defend our shores

As together we flow on quite different than before- changed forevermore!


Two independent rivers rage as soon as they collide

Becoming one means turmoil and that cannot be denied

But we are also strengthened by the union’s force

To flow on with a stronger and deeper course that ‘s nevermore divorced.


So let us be all for one and one for all

Let the river flow.....and let the fire fall!!

The spirit of unity tears down each wall

Let the river flow....and let the fire fall!!


I am yours and you are mine

Forever our lives entertwined

Body to Body and soul to soul

Becoming one flesh and becoming whole

As together we flow

On to reach our goal...


Two independent fires rage as soon as they collide

Yet soon we find there’s no more room for independent pride

More powerful in union than we ever were alone

When the turbulence is quieted our boundaries have grown- who could’ve known?


So let us be all for one and one for all

Let the river flow.....and let the fire fall!!

The spirit of unity tears down each wall

Let the river flow....and let the fire fall!!

Two fires that merge together burn more brightly than before

Into a conflagration that the world cannot ignore

And all our fires united can set the world ablaze

For the Spirit’s fire within us shall burn in endless praise!



June 2,1998

Anthony Foster

Copyright 1998 Anthony Foster