Promised Land

A land that flows with milk and honey

Is not just our final goal

It's a place filled with the Spirit's fruit

A place within our souls.


Where the milk of human kindness

And the sweetness of God's word

Are written deep upon the heart

And beckons to be heard.


We possess the land in stages

Step by step and fight by fight

So that we might not forget

And that nature may not multiply its might.


More to be desired are they than gold

They are sweeter than honey

And far more precious to hold

Than the richest kingdoms of the earth

A pearl of great and infinite worth!


I want to be a promised land where milk and honey flow

Where compassion kindness and patience, humility and gentleness grow

In a land of milk and honey God will water the seeds I sow

Til a life that flows with milk and honey is the only life I know.


I still have to cross the Jordan to possess this promised land

God parts the raging waters of our hearts so we can understand

That where the Lord abides He's prepared a home for us

He takes us there unto His side when we give to Him our trust


Oh the land of milk and honey where the spirit rules and reigns

I will dwell therein for all my days on its holy fertile plains

Oh the land of milk and honey is a promise God still keeps

It is God's gift to those who love Him where the deep cries unto deep.


Now the land of milk and honey is a place inside of me

Where the river of forgiveness flows and the truth has set us free!


Ephesians 2:19

Deuteronomy 6-7

December 25,1998

Anthony Foster

Copyright 1998 Anthony Foster