Leading Captivity Captive


He arose from the dead from a stone cold tomb- and became the bridegroom

He strode right the dark of the grave- To show them Yaweh truly saves

Abraham’s bosom would cease to be for he would take captive their captivity

And lead them to the throne of grace to dwell forever in that place

He leads us out and he leads us in to where he is ennthroned for men

The kingdom comes and so the king shall reign over every nation

Arise oh Lord and lead us out

Out of captivity, darkness and doubt

Break all the chains of our captivity

Lead us forth in sweet victory.

The eternal exodus began and tho they had faith they then faltered

You parted the waters of deliverance and yet they raised an abominable altar.

Arise oh Lord and lead us out

Out of captivity, darkness and doubt

Break all the chains of our captivity

Lead us forth in sweet victory.



Anthony Foster

June 2,1998

Copyright 1998 Anthony Foster