One Damned Thing After Another


Operating at half mast

Cogitating at half past

Coherent, I’m here in my pride

Pondering imponderables

Fabricating fallen fables

My myths and circumstance collide...

Is that my knee jerking?

What is happening here?

Like a voyeur I’m lurking

Outside the windows in fear.

Afraid I’ll miss something-

but What isn’t too clear...

Slipping in and out of gear...

And I’m one damned thing after another

When I’m grasping for that potion

Or that new notion I’ve discovered

As a substitute for what I need

Dissatisfacion is guaranteed.

When its one damned thing after another....

Is that my heart breaking

Is that me just faking

The words to this song?

Is meaning rescinding

It’s hold and descending

To disappear before long?

Is that my knee jerking?

What is happening here?

Like a voyeur I’m lurking

Outside the windows in fear.

Afraid I’ll miss something-

but What isn’t too clear...

Slipping in and out of gear...

Well, I’m one damned thing after another

When I’m grasping for that potion

Or that new notion I’ve discovered

As a substitute for what I need

Dissatisfacion is guaranteed.

When its one damned thing after another....



Anthony Foster

Copyright 1998 Anthony Foster