The Scars and Stripes Forever


Time can heal so many wounds but these shall not be healed.

The scars and stripes that mark my Lord-Arose with him and they are real.

the marks that men left on his side and head and hands and feet

He invites us to reach in and touch for faith can still reveal as much.

Then the shock of recognition and horror of contrition

O'er whelms the soul who'll only see

My Lord my God we cry as we see we caused him to die

Yet risen were forgiven as we ben our knee.


By his wounds we are healed by the blood our life is sealed

For the victory is revealed in the stripes that Jesus wears

By his wounds we know for sure He's the one who has the cure

For the wounds ever endure to show how much he cares.


Saviour and King I cast myself on you

Trustworthy and true Saviour and King



May 20,1998

Anthony Foster

Copyright 1998 Anthony Foster