We Adore the Door


Into the house we enter to a place that’s been prepared

Covered by the edifice Christ built and keeps with care

Through His wounds we enter in with christ in God to hide

Kept safe, secure we are sustained as long as we abide


So enter into blessedness the only way you can

Through the door of righteousness which is the Son of Man

For like an ark he keeps us safe from sin’s storm and flood

The posts the door is hung on are still marked with precious blood.

He is the door the only entryway

He Is the door - the passage from nite to day

The door is open wide to those who’ll enter inside

Forever to abide

The entry into holiness

The portal to God’s promises


So go beyond death’s threshold to live forevermore

We adore we adore the door.

So once inside the door we will find our perfect rest

Within the door we find God’s very best

He parts the waters of our life and sees us safely through

On to the other side where His promise is shown true



Anthony Foster


Copyright 1998 Anthony Foster