Broken Cisterns


Bitter water standing in the desert

Available for those who will not see

That still waters either run deep

Or they stagnate and cause us to weep

Yet so many 's rather drink from broken cisterns

Yet we're so glutted that we have no taste

When the living water flows for all to drink

Our desires are to small and so misplaced

There are streams in the desert

Where marah's bitterness stood

If anyone is thirsty

There's a banquest waithing for you

But no one is hungry now

For they've glutted themselves upon the word

Maalnourished but so proud.

For the worlds banquet table can fill you for a time

And if you eat there regularly and drink unholy wine

You won't notice that you're starving or that your throat is dry

While life becomes about filling up our lives until we die.

It’s a dangerous grace and an awful design

That calls us away from the tastes of our time

And into the glorious light of the truth

And into the glorious light of the truth

December 2000

Anthony Foster


Copyright 2000 Anthony Foster