

How can  I ascend God’s Holy Hill

When that mountain is in me?

I will abide in His presence

He will reside in His sanctuary


The Lord is in His Holy temple

His eyes will never leave that place.

So I will attend to glory

In my inward parts I’ll seek His face


The blood has cleansed my hands

My heart He purifies

There are no idols to lift my soul to

No more swearing by lies…


You are my blessing, my portion

You my vindication

The earth is the Lord’s and so are we

A Chosen generation


That seeks the Lord-That seeks His face

The God of Jacob, The God of All

He is established in Glory

So on His name we call


Lift up your heads you ancient doors

Lift them up you ancient gates

Let the king Of Glory enter in

At your very door he knocks and waits…


Anthony Foster
