Day Five


Valley of Vision



Here in the valley of vision

Life is a test and a trust.

May we reflect Christ here on this earth

Though our frail frames are but dust.


 Here in the valley of vision

I may partake of His grace

Lord, I would also  dispense it

While I am here in this place.


Here in the valley the mountains rise up

And over them I may not see

But I have a window into my Lord’s view

And he is not bound by  limits like me


Trials, temptations and troubles

A different design surely  make

When they are viewed from God’s viewpoint

When they’re seen for His name’s sake.


Here in the valley of vision

Time has a season and goal

All is fulfilled in God’s purpose

Seen in the light of the whole.


Lord in this valley of vision

In the light of the unseen

We live and move and our beings prove

To mean more than we know we mean.


Anthony Foster

January 22, 2003