Koinonia Community


I give myself to the table

I give myself to the Word

I give myself to communiion

This union of saints that shall gird

This flock into one body

This body that is an ark

The ark that is His temple

A bride who bears love’s mark.


A koinonia community

Whose shepherd is Christ and whose unity

Gives us hope at the end of our search

As precious jewels and righteous tools

In the hands of the Head of the Church


We’ll be known by our love for each other

And all things in common we’ll hold

We will bear one another as sisters and brothers

We’ll see joy in each other unfold.


I give myself to the table

I give myself to the Word

I give myself to communiion

This union of saints that shall gird

This flock into one body

This body that is an ark

The ark that is His temple

A bride who bears love’s mark.


A koinonia community

Whose shepherd is Christ and whose unity

Gives us hope at the end of our search

As precious jewels and righteous tools

In the hands of the head of the church



Anthony Foster April 27, 2004