Follow Hard

Follow Hard


I turn my eyes towards the skies

And see expanses seep and wide within my heart

I train my ear and I will hear

The blessed Word of god written on my innermost part

I set my mind so I can find

The good the true the beautiful,

The thing of good repute

And I will follow hard in this pursuit.


The things of this world never satisfy

They dissipate from view once they have fallen on my eye

Iíd rather have one truth from you than all the worldís lies

For every wicked word you will refute

So I will follow hard in your pursuit.


My heart and mind, my soul and strength

Shall all fall on your mercy and your love at length

So let me draw from living waters

Soak me to my very root

So I may follow hard in your pursuit.


Anthony Foster

October 22, 2005