I Live and Move and have my being in You

I Live and Move and have my being in You

I Live and Move and have my being in You


Who we are and all weíre going to be

Our hopes and our dreams and all that weíll ever see

Who what when where and why too,

How we were created tells us just what is true.


I Live and Move and have my being in You

I Live and Move and have my being in You



Our dreams desires and all of our plans

Our destiny is held fast in your hands

We are the clay we belong to you

You mold and shape us for all that we do.


I Live and Move and have my being in You

I Live and Move and have my being in You


We want to know you just as we are known.

Then we shake our fists and cry leave us alone

But we were created in the image ofÝ You

We canít run and hide cause youíre always in view.


I Live and Move and have my being in You

I Live and Move and have my being in You


Our dreams desires and all of our plans

Our destiny is held fast in your hands

Thereís no place to run and thereís no place to hide

From the God who has his arms open wide.


I Live and Move and have my being in You

I Live and Move and have my being in You


Heís the creator and he makes the rules

And men who deny him will become known as fools

There is no place to run and no place to hide

Because he wants to love you and he wonít be denied


The Lordís gonna do what he said he would do

You know Heís always proving that heís faithful and true.


Anthony Foster

June 25, 2005