Pictures in the Sky

Pictures in the Sky


As I look into the heavens I see a great parade

Pictures in the clouds and stars so beautifully arrayed

My imagination's baptized so there's grace in all I see

For the heavens have declared it and divulged the mystery.

There's a tree and there's a serpent and a man and woman there

And here comes an intercessor trading promise for despair

And there's a rainbow in the heavens and a cross on the horizon line

Bands of animals in twos and sevens and a bunch being left behind


There's a lamb, and there's a lion and there's a wheel of fire

And there's a bramble tangled ram- most any picture I require.

And I hear the mountain thunder and I see the red sea part

And I see the people wander and I see their stone cold hearts

There's an ark and there's a temple and there are giants in the land

And there's an army of ten thousand angels marching on command

The truth's reflected in the skies if it lives within my heart

The pictures are there to make me wise if I regard heaven's art.


Till Christ returns so I will learn

To see with eyes of faith and see my passions burn.


The glory of the Lord is displayed the clouds and in the star fields

To whomever has the eyes to see the pictures are revealed

They are more than just a story more than just a tale

They're a witness to God's glory and they have not yet failed

As I look into the heavens I see a great parade

Pictures in the clouds and stars so beautifully arrayed

My imagination's baptized so there's grace in all I see

For the heavens have declared it and divulged the mystery.


Anthony Foster

September 27, 2005