The Gospel

The Gospel


The whole world was lost in darkness and sin

And there was only one way that could redeem men.

There was only one price that could pay our penalty

Only one sacrifice that could serve to set us free.


God came into this world God came to save the world

He came a perfect life to live He came his very life to give


Our God can never die, so he became a man

Took on flesh and blood according to His plan.

Became like us so like Him we could be;

He became the substitute to bear our penalty


So pardon could be received By everyone who believes

And righteousness could be our own Righteousness that weíd never known.


Made a public spectacle, He then breathed his last breath

But infinite was the all-surpassing value of his death!

For no oneís death was like His, no one could drink our cup

So to demonstrate Godís righteousness, Christ was lifted up!


He is our atonementís ground In Christ forgivenessÝ is found

So as we are, he takes us Transforms us and remakes us


By the death of the righteous, perfect, holy man

In the presence of theÝ God of gloryÝ we can now stand

That is the good news that we witness to

Believe the greatest news andÝ be madeÝ new!


It must be by faith alone It must be by Christ alone

We can never be enough It must be by Godís love.


By the power of His resurrection, he lives and ever lives

And if we rely on his bloodÝ he readilyÝ forgives

But if you would deny it, you must beware

This is the only good news that we can declare!


Anthony FosterÝ

June 30, 2005