The Name above all Names

The Name above all Names


There is no other name like our Jesus

Name above every name

He is exalted high above the heavens

We make known His glory and fame!


Thereís no other name like our Jesus

He is called faithful and true

Glory required that he endure the cross

So to Him all honor is due


He was lifted up for our iniquity

He was cut off for all of our sin

He was raised from the grave eternally to save

And exalted so we could be with Him


Oh Lord Jesus reign in majesty,

Oh Lord Jesus rule eternally!

Your fame is our aim

From age to age the same

We will proclaim

The name above all names.


Thereís no other name like our Jesus

No other name will endure

His name attains and sustains

Supreme , sufficient, and sure!


Oh Lord Jesus reign in majesty,

Oh Lord Jesus rule eternally!

Your fame is our aim

From age to age the same

We will proclaim

The name above all names.


His name is faithful and true

Give honor to whom honor is due!


August 10, 2005

Anthony Foster