Waiting for Elijah

Waiting for Elijah


Iím waiting for Elijah waiting for his day to come

Waiting for Elijah to prepare the way for the returning son

Waiting for Elijah, waiting for that glorious day.

Waiting to hear him cry ìprepare the wayî


So Iím waiting for Elijah

For the day of the Lord that prophet will declare

Iím waiting for Elijah

For heís given us a long time to prepare.


Enoch spent his days in worship and in praise

He walked with his Lord until one day he was not to be found

Moses saw Godís face and his visage wasÝ ablaze.

He spoke for God until he was buried in holy ground


Yeah Iím waiting for Elijah

For the day of the Lord that prophet will declare

Weíll hear that trumpet sound

The church will be heaven bound

To meet the returning King in the air.


And Elijah did all the Lord required

He left this earth in a blazing chariot of fire

So Iím waiting for Elijah

Heís been gone so very long but heís going to return

To declare the soon and coming king

And with his kingdom he will bring

A mighty crown to bless and a fire to burn.


Anthony Foster

October 4, 2005