You have called us

You have called us


You have called us out of the darkness

Into your radiant light

Weíll heed the call of the Lord of all

Who redeems us and gives us sight


You have called out of the world and

Set us apart to be new

You have called us now to be holy

Wholly devoted to you


We answer your call

On our knees we fall

We go where you call us to go

The call is so clear

We know what we hear

So your perfect will we will know


You have called us out of our old ways

Called us to be renewed

You have called us toÝ be conformed

Called us to look like you


We will repent,

We wonít relent

For you have sent your word

Weíll watch and pray

We will obey

The command of God weíve heard.


Anthony Foster

August 1, 2005