Here and Now

Here and Now


Here and Now , Lord this is the day

A divine appointment to come and seek your way

Here and now , Lord this is the time

Come to his table and eat His bread and drink his wine

Just taste of the gift- this is the time.


Behold the Lord is knocking at the door

You've heard Him there a thousand times before

Don't take his grace for granted

He may not knock again

So here and now on your knees bow

And on him now depend!


Here and now- for this is the day

The day of your deliverance

There is no other way

Here and now, trust in Him once for all.

For this is the appointed time

So on His name now call

This is the appointed time

As on your face you fall

To worship Him and trust in Him

Confessing Him as Lord of all.


Anthony Foster

March 24, 2006