Here in Your Presence Is My Treasure

Here in Your Presence Is My Treasure


Here in your presence is my treasure

Why would I trade it for any fleeting pleasure?

Forgive my sin, let me back in

From the darkness where I rebel

In another sort of hell

Of my own making

Where Iíve been faking it

Taking your grace for granted

Iíve raved and Iíve ranted

Protesting my innocence

Declaring my rights

Mounting my own defense

In my deceitís depth and height.


But I need your presence to go with me

I need to be humbled so again Iíll see

The surpassing worth

Beyond all this earth

Has to offer

To a sanctimonious scoffer.

But I get so bored with the mundane

That I trade my peace for problems and pain

And I degrade the thing I need the most

Cheapen that which should be my boast.


So forgive me Lord

I cannot afford

To be sent away

Here I would stay

So change me and renew

In spite of the stupid things I do

And Give me more of You

Here and now, this very day.

Forgive me Lord, I pray


Anthony Foster

October 21, 2007