Hope, Blessed Hope

Hope, Blessed Hope


Come lay your head in rest

As gently falls the night

Have no fear for God is Near

Rest in the power of His might.

He ever watches oíer you

He never needs to sleep

He lays your path before you

He guards the darkness deep

Your soul to ever keep.


He never fails

He eíre prevails

So hope in God at last

His faithful love

And His kindness prove

Their worth holds ever fast.

So cast yourself headlong on grace

And cast your burdens, see His face

Smile gently on you in this place

This place of Blessed hope.


Though deep are shadows, and dark the way

He is evey my one hope and stay

When doubt draws near and when I fear

I cannot trust myself to stand

I will rest in His unflinching hand.


Now deathís dark angel is denied

Its sting is now removed

For now I live death and death has died

Christís life in me is proved.

The valley of the shadow deep

Is the very place where Christ will keep

My life my movement and my being

In Him by grace His grace Iím seeing.