Second Adam

Second Adam


Focus your aim

Rise up in song

Bear Jesus name

To the world ere long

For in Jesus name

We are transformed

For the sake of His name we are conformed

To the likeness of, the image of the very son of God

For he took the very flesh of man

And so this earth has trod

So the second Adam shows us all that we should be

For in Adam we have made our history.


In the first Adam the world was groaning

In the first Adam All men had died

Then at the cross in grace atoning

The second Adam fulfilled the law and was crucified.


Lord you will fulfill your covenant promise

You've done your will through the work of your son

As he cried out Oh lord it is finished

It is completed, it is accomplished, Father, it's done.


He is our ransom

He bore the wrath

Through the demands of the Law

He cut a path

A stairway to heaven

We now can ascend

HeÝ second Adam rose from the Grave

And so it begins!


So take off the old man

And put on the new

This is Gods Holy plan

For me and for you.

For when its all said

And when its all done

We'll be conformd into the Likeness

Of God's Perfect Son!


So here is the purpose

Here is God's plan

Though sin would thwartÝ us

And makes its demands

Our Lord is the victor

He's declared us Just

Our Lord set us free

To become more than dust


Here in the shadow

Of the crucified

Identified with Him

For in Him we'veÝ died

Yet not us but Jesus

For in the beloved son

Christ is in us

And we are in Christ

The victory's won!


So soon he is coming

For us holy fools

Raised up to the heavenly places

To reign and to rule

Come quickly Lord Jesus

Come quickly we pray

And so we shall sing

Come quickly and bring

New Jerusalem's day!


Anthony Foster

October 23, 2007