In Your Arms

In Your Arms


In this quiet special place

In this respite from the race

Jesus IÝ will seek your face

Resting quietly in your arms.


In this sanctuary sweet

Just to sit here at your feet

I will find my heart complete

Resting quietly in your arms


In the midst of trial and test

In the turmoil I am blessed

In toil and trouble I find rest

Falling safely in your arms.


Here I sense you are so near

Close to you I draw

Keep me ever present here

In this place of grace and awe.

Sovereign over circumstance

Make my heart to daily dance

Coming away or still in the fray

With your arms wrapped ëround me

Your blessed peace surrounds me.


In this simple place of rest

I will be your welcome guest

As I bless you I am blessed

Resting quietly in your arms.


I am weak but you are strong

I cast myself on you headlong

Here we sing redemptionís song

Resting quietly in your arms


God my Father give me Grace

Spirit help me keep your pace

Christ my restless heart replace

Sheltered from the worldís alarms

Jesus keep my soul from harm.

As I rest here in your arms


Anthony Foster

October 22, 2009