Free Spirit

Free Spirit


In the final analysis, when it comes down to dust,

There only one way to be free, one place to place your trust


Free to serve the mighty King

All else becomes our slavery

Bound to passions that will clip your wings

But whom the Son sets free is free indeed.


Thereís only one way to be free

And that is as a prisoner of love

Held fast forever is the true liberty

Bound by the chains forged above.


Thereís only one way to be free

And thatís to be held captive by grace,

Godís heartís desire and yours agree

That is the only unencumbered place


For his yoke is easy and his burden is light

And this is the only place where all is right

Your spirit soars as it is freed

Whom the Son sets free is free indeed.


Anthony Foster

January 25, 2009