The Christian worldview sees that science began with a mandate God gave from creation. God commanded man to have dominion over the earth and subdue it. The scientific enterprise is a part of that mandate.

For centuries, science found its moorings in what was described as God's natural law. There was a unity between man's spiritual and scientific quests. Science, when used as a means for discerning truth rather than as a vehicle for propagating atheistic dogmas, corroborates the Biblical position. When science divorces itself from faith, it limits its ability to interpret observations and becomes a victim of its own biases.

Science, including Physics, astronomy and biology all address the question of origins and how the physical universe operates. The Christian worldview is that in the Beginning, God created. Modern science is based on observation of empirical facts, and Christians are called to "live in the light of the unseen" that is, to see with eyes of faith, which informs all we observe. So science, by its own declaration , is limited in its ability to comprehend the exhaustive truth of origins.

Only the Christian worldview adequately accounts for the evidence of design in nature, since only it postulates a designer. Evolutionary theories postulate that the appearance of design occurred by chance. While the complexities are daunting, in the final analysis, evolution is impossible not only on the basis of special revelation concerning it, but from nature itself because of the preponderance of evidences against it.

Since we cannot transport the skeptic back to creation or play a video of it, they reject the Christian view. However it must be noted that they cannot observe and test their own evolutionary theories. As time marches on, science changes its views discovery by discovery. The word of God stands forever.

The Christian believes that the Bible holds an accurate, if abstracted historical account of origins. Mark 10:6 and Colossians 1:16 declare and reiterate the historicity of the Genesis account. The Christian recognizes science itself, not as an enemy but as an ally, for as more and more is learned about the earth and its origins, the Christian worldview is further validated (as if needed it to be). The God who created all things (Ephesians 3:9) has not revealed all the details on how He did these mighty acts. Science gives us information about God's universe. The Bible gives us information about God Himself and His creation.