Concept: What's the BIG idea?
This stage determines the overall design
concept for the site. Some may wonder why the concept stage isn't
addressed earlier in the process. The answer is that the nature
of your content should drive the idea behind the concept. the
way the content is best organiized for easy access will determine
the big idea that will fit that criteria, not the other way around.
The concept should be based upon what will appeal to your target
audience to meet the site's goals. The concept lays the groundwork
for the theme and the site design.
The concept is the BIG idea that forms
a hook or identity for the site. It forms the germinal idea which
determines the way end users understand (conceptualize) the system
you create.
When thinking of the concept, it is
a good idea to know what the technical possibilities are. Here
is a site
I did with muchos examples of different types of approaches
to using the appropriate technology that fits the concept.